Sometimes I bring a cup of milk to bed and delight in a few Oreos, like a little nightcap. They go perfectly with an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond. Then I brush my teeth and go to sleep.
It's a terrible habit, and certainly to blame for my ever-widening hips and fattening belly. I know this. And yet...the Oreos are there, and I love them. (But only with milk.)
This morning I was busted. Gavin and Lexi raided the stash. It's really amazing that they haven't discovered it before now. They probably ate two-thirds of the package -- I had only finished one row of cookies!

After I laughed, I thought, "Better their hips than mine!" I let them each keep the two fistfuls of cookies they hadn't consumed. I didn't offer them milk.

Someone looks more guilty than the other. I promise I fixed Lexi's hair later...
Is this the first step of repentance?
gavin's guilt is PRICELESS!!!
my middle name{s?} is guilty pleasure, so i hear ya on this one.
You are a nice mom. I keep my stash in my undie drawer, my kids all know where it is. If I catch them sneaking something they're busted. This momma doesn't like to share.
Hee hee! This is actually a great idea. Why haven't I thought of it?
I'm pretty sure you saw me plow through most of a package of Oreos when I stayed with you! I can put those things away, because they are the root of all deliciousness - but only with milk.
Definitely a must have milk treat. Sorry they found your stash. Try a broccoli bag in the freezer. :) Nobody will get into it. I had a friend who kept her chocolate chips in broccoli bags so they wouldn't be gone when she needed them. :)
Hang them in a plastic grocery bag on a hanger in your closet. They will never be discovered!
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