In spite of this monumental news, it's been a sad week in Lexi's life. Her cough and cold got worse, and she has hardly slept in a week. Naps have been virtually non-existent and nighttime rest has been ridiculous. Lexi has staged a boycott against nursing (but won't take a bottle) and has seemed generally disgruntled. Many hours have been spent in this manner:

Since Gavin has had similar issues, I decided to take them both to the doctor this morning. After a thorough check-up, the doctor's verdict wasn't surprising. The kids both have ear infections. Gavin has two bad ears, and Lexi has one. Bummer! So we have lots of ammoxicillin in the fridge and are doling out the Motrin liberally. Hopefully the painkillers and antibiotics mean a more restful, happy week is ahead for the littlest members of our family (and their parents).
Poor babies! I'm so sorry they are so miserable. Sweet little Lexi looks so sad. I sure hope they can get better quickly. However, we're so excited for Lexi they she can start exploring the world some more. I guess the gates go back up huh? I tried to get the video and it said it was unavailable at this time so hopefully later I'll be able to get it. I'd love to see her first attempt. I hope today it a better one for all. Hopefully the parents will be able to start sleeping more as well.
I just tried the video again and I finally got to see it. Very spectacular Lexi! I love you.
Yay for Lexi - on the crawling.
Sorry about the ear infections. It's no fun to see kids in pain, and no fun to get no sleep either.
It's always so exciting when it happens, isn't it? Even when you know it means more work for you.
I hope the ear infections clear off soon! Yuck.
Hooray for Lexi! Boo hoo for mommy :). I hope those little ones are feeling better quickly!
bless her cute heart, that's the saddest picture that i've ever seen! [and the blue-est eyes!!] feel better guys!
ps: goooooo lex! you are a pro!
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