Since our meeting schedule changed for the new year, getting the six of us ready for a 9:00 a.m. sacrament meeting has presented a few challenges. But this morning we actually had a few minutes to spare. The kids looked awfully sharp, so I snapped a picture. I wanted to remember that today was Tyler's first day wearing his new (hand-me-down) suit, and Lexi's first day with a ponytail.

As you might imagine, our bunch struggles to stay reverent and respectful during sacrament meeting, which is a family affair. Today the kids were especially unruly, and their tired parents kind of limped through the first hour. Garry and I were happy to send the three oldest kids along to their age-appropriate classes for the next two hours while we attended our adult meetings.
In spite of our often-frazzled church experiences, today I am also remembering that we don't go to church because it is easy or because we always enjoy reverent worship with our kids in tow. We go because it is the right thing to do. We go because we fervently believe in the doctrine and principles being taught. We go because we are nurturing our young family in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I love this quote from Elder Russell M. Nelson, an apostle in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:
"Each member of the Church bears responsibility for the spiritual enrichment that can come from a sacrament meeting. Each should sing with a grateful heart and respond with an audible “amen” at the conclusion of a prayer or a testimony. We personally ponder the Atonement of Jesus Christ. We reflect upon the significance of His suffering at Gethsemane and His Crucifixion on Calvary. At this time, each of us is to “examine himself” (1 Cor. 11:28) and reflect upon personal covenants made with the Lord. At this time, we meditate upon the sacred things of God.
Gratefully, I thank the Lord for the sacrament meeting and all that it has meant in my life. It has repeatedly rekindled my faith and allowed me to renew my covenants from week to week, helping Sister Nelson and me to live and rear our family in the glorious light of the gospel."
So at the end of another Sabbath Day, I'll say "amen" to Elder Nelson's words (full text here). And next week, when our kids are a little too wiggly on noisy on our bench, I'll try to remember them!
Beautiful quote and wonderful sentiments!! I feel the same ecact way you do.... in all respects. We must both be the mother of four children...he he
This post made my heart happy.
What an adorable bunch of very special children. Thanks for your testimony and your committment to rearing our beautiful grandchildren in the gospel. They are very lucky and blessed children of our Heavenly Father to have gospel loving parents.
I looked at this precious bunch of my wonderful grandchildren again this morning and it just made me so happy. Lexi is so cute with her pony tail. They are one cute of Bartles. Have a wonderful day and give them all hugs and kisses from grandma. Tell them how much I love and miss them.
Great quote. It's a good reminder of what it is all about, even when you think you've only heard two minutes of the entire hour, it's important just to be there! Way to seize the spirit of Sunday's third hour lesson! I love it! :)
Amen, Sista!
Thanks for sharing this! Jon has worked a lot of sundays in our 7 years of marriage... Fighting 3 boys by myself has been difficult and I find myself making a lot of excuses to NOT go to church. And now adding number 4... Well, I'm a little nervous! However, I know my life is and will be blessed for attending my meetings! Even if I'm in the foyer (or mothers lounge crying:)) for the whole 3 hours... My Family will be blessed!:)
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