With afternoon highs soaring into the 50s, the boys have been begging to wear shorts. Zachary was determined this morning, even as the outdoor thermostat reported a mere 36 degrees, that he would be too hot and sweaty during recess if he was wearing anything but shorts and sandals. I eyed the perpetual pile of snow on the lawn and the ice in the shadow-prone cul-de-sac and mandated pants and a jacket. Zachary was completely furious with my antiquated ways.
Sure enough, at the end of the school day, Zach bounded to the van with rolled up pants and his jacket in his backpack. His face was red and he was panting. He informed me that girls had been chasing him "all day," which explained his sweaty brow and utter exhaustion. He and Tyler begged for popsicles when they got home -- or maybe ice water to dump on their heads. I vetoed their proposal; they settled on fruit and crackers.

So for the first time in a few months, the boys are playing outside with their friends. They are riding bikes and jumping out of swings and climbing trees, soaking up the "hot" afternoon. These silly boys have no idea what "hot" really is. In six months, when they experience Arizona's triple digits, when the evening temperature is twice what our thermostat records today, maybe then they'll understand what "hot" is.
At least their mean mom will let them wear shorts.
Oh, they'll be in shorts all right! Those boys are in for a surprise. :) We've been eating dinner on our back patio all week. In t-shirts. The pendulum is in AZ's favor right now, that's for sure! But it will swing back...
It's true though, 50's in the Spring and Fall are totally different things. Fall 50's call for sweaters to be pulled out of hiding and Spring 50's call for shorts :)
So cute!!!
Enjoy the cold/moderate weather right now for sure! This summer they will be begging for more!!
good luck with everything!!
Oh, our boys are so the same, if it is not ACTIVELY snowing they don't think they need jackets. Who cares that it's only 15?! The sun is shining! I am looking forward to the summer heat in Arizona post. You may have three boys running around buck naked!
I think in AF we had a 70 degree rule for shorts...hahaha, you always complained. You know, they just might melt this summer. :)
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