Zachary immediately devoured the second book in the series, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, which was our prerequisite for watching the movie. Tyler wasn't sure he could read the book on his own (I wasn't so convinced myself), but after a couple of chapters, he was hooked. Tyler likes things nice and quiet when he reads, so I have found him sprawled on my bed, hiding in my closet, lying on the couch, and, today, kicked back in the garage.

I'm still not sure how I feel about a six-year-old reading Harry Potter. Some of the details are lost on him. For now, that's just fine. But I hope to find a different series to hook him for the summer. Any suggestions?
Annika's been reading the Magic Treehouse series, the Encyclopedia Brown series, Junie B. Jones, and has just started The Boxcar Children. She also read The Squire's Tale and The Squire, His Knight, and His Lady by Gerald Morris--those are more full-length, but they were a fun read for both of us. She also like Sir Givret the Short and Sir Lancelot the Brave by the same author.
So those are my recommendations. Enjoy!
Tyler and Zach are both good readers. I think it's great.
I've told Kamy that she can begin reading them when she is 11. She is very excited.
That is pretty cool that they can read so well at such young ages. Last summer at this very time, I started the Harry Potter books. They are very fun to read.
How fun! We have listened to all the audio books together, but no one in our house has read the actual books. I recently talked to my kids about watching the movies though, and they seemed excited. I have my doubts that they will be able to handle them, but we can give it a shot. I told them we can go see the last one in theaters if they want, although that will probably be the scariest of all! That's awesome that your boys are reading them.
I always have a dickens of a time getting Devlin to try a new book. He loves the ones he's already read and reads them 100 times apiece, but new stuff? Pulling teeth.
I think Tyler has read most series Devlin likes. Junie B. Jones? Devlin also loves Shel Silverstein's poetry - not a series, but there are several books. It's really funny. That's what he likes, is funny stuff. Does he like Choose Your Own Adventure books? He's not quite ready for Narnia yet, not alone, or the Prydain Chronicles (darn Welsh names!)
I love those pictures of him reading. Something about seeing my kids enjoying a good book just warms this mother's heart. As for book suggestions, I think Tyler would love the Charlie Bone series. It's a similar story line to Harry Potter, but on an easier reading and comprehension level. I think he'd eat it up.
Ooh, definitely Charlie Bone. And The Secrets of Droon. My kids have loved those books. They are on the same reading level as Magic Treehouse but filled with magic and mystery. I bet he'd like those.
Hahahahahaha! Oh my gosh! I love these pics. Great perspective.
I think he would love the Fablehaven Series by Brandon Mull.
Fablehaven would be great for Zach. Magic Tree House would be great for either of them because they are adventurous AND they learn a little bit about history. :)
A to Z mysteries
Septimus Heap (First book is Magyk)
The Candy Shop Wars (not a series, but a delightful read)
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