Suddenly she has to use her own spoon to eat and she's a pro with the sippy cup. Today she wouldn't let me feed her. Not one bite! When the spoon strategy didn't work perfectly at dinner, she was content to dip her fingers in the yogurt and suck on them. I think she really just wanted a bath after dinner.

Lexi's latest decision is that she would rather not nurse any more. For the last few months, she's been pretty fickle on the subject. She would boycott for a day or two, then nurse with gusto for a week, then skip a day, then nurse all night long. With our life being so up in the air, I thought nursing would be a nice constant for both of us. I thought it would ease transitions and help her feel comfortable and safe no matter where we were or what we were doing.
Turns out that nursing IS the transition! Suddenly it's over and Lexi isn't looking back.
Well, Lexi's health and happiness is really the end goal, after all. If she would rather move on, I guess I can, too. We've had a great 13 1/2 months together. And now that this phase has come to an end, I intend to usher in a new phase of my own: sleeping through the night.
What a cute girl! She is so little...hard to believe she is really that old!
Sweet Lexi, I am so glad you are here!
Love the first picture of her with a super-grin!
she is onto another stage of life. I still miss the comfort of the nursing moments though! A sad thing to be gone.
Hope to see you sometime. We bought Percy Jackson if you want to borrow it sometime, maybe once your boys are back.
She is SO dang adorable!!! I can see some of the darling Heidi of many years ago!!! I completely understand your mixed feelings about leaving the nursing stage behind. You lose a little bit of a connection. But, as you know, you're in for so many exciting changes now. :)
Greta quit nursing at 13 months too, but she stopped when Mike went out of town. Turns out she only enjoyed snuggling in the bed with him there, not necessarily time with Mom! Sheesh, what a daddy's girl.
Yay! Sleeping is a must--especially for a mother of Gavin. Enjoy this new phase!
wow, she is getting more beautiful daily! Look at her facial features.
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