The three other families in attendance -- the Murdocks, the Harveys, and the Lovejoys -- are all connected through dental school and current dental practices. However, I had an interesting link to all of them: visiting teaching! Way back when we were newlyweds, Garry and I moved into the same BYU married student ward as Kym and Jon Harvey (at Harmony Square). I became Kym's visiting teacher, and we also worked in Relief Society together. We parted ways about two years after that, and in April, boundary changes put us in the same ward again.
Two years ago, the Murdocks moved into our ward here in Colorado Springs. I became Adri's visiting teacher, and she was a delight to visit. When we switched wards, I lost Adri but gained Kim Lovejoy, who is Kym Harvey's neighbor. It is so interesting to note how small the world is in the LDS community. I feel lucky to be connected to these amazing women!
Our evening with these fun friends was delightful. The weather was perfect for relaxing on the back porch, and the company was great. I was so pleased that the kids were (mostly) very well behaved! Garry and I were actually able to enjoy pleasant grown-up conversation most of the time. That is a rare treat.

L to R: Chad (standing), Jon, Kym, Josh, Kim, Peter, Adri (standing);
Lexi, Garry, Katie, Davis, Madison
The kids played and played until Lexi was suddenly READY FOR BED. We had fun fun fun while it lasted!

Thanks for the fun, friends!
That looks lovely! Summer barbecues with friends are about as good as it gets.
Hi, you're cute.
and you make cute kids.
that's all.
You got to love when you get rare "adult conversations"!!
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