After Zach's football practice and kitchen haircuts, we drove around town looking at carpet. We visited a couple of warehouses and got some estimates. This process went much better than I expected.

So far, the independent contractor we talked to first has the best prices, but we're waiting on some more samples from him to confirm our decision.
Daddy also tried out our new baby swings with Gavin and Lexi.

And Zach and Tyler continued on their journey to learn the value of work. I recently declared that I will no longer clean up the kitchen after dinner. Garry and the boys are in charge. So Zach and Tyler are learning all about clearing and washing the counters and table; putting away food; rinsing and loading the dishes; and sweeping the floor. They don't appreciate the learning experience, but I am content knowing I am preparing future missionaries, college roommates, and husbands.

I also started the laundry and ironed 20 items of Garry's clothing before bed, but didn't take a picture of these exciting events. The night was fraught with exhausted children who wouldn't sleep (also unphotographed). But hey, I still got seven hours of sleep, and in theory, today is the day of rest....
I love your idea of teaching the value of work. I think I might declare a similar sort of decree in our home.... Thanks for the idea!
Sound like a busy Saturday. I'm glad to see the boys learning the value of work. They are pretty good workers.
Chores are good for children. Mine love sorting the laundry! Bizarre. It takes them 10 times as long to do anything as it takes me, of course, but it keeps them busy and their future coworkers, roommates, and spouses will absolutely thank you someday!
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