The bride is the daughter of my dear friend, Melanie. I am so grateful I had the chance to witness such a beautiful, joyful event!
Stephanie and Kevin were married in the Draper, Utah temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Through the power of the sacred priesthood--the same authority that Christ exercised when he was on the earth--they were married not only for this life, but sealed together for all eternity. As I listened to the words of the sealing ceremony and pondered the covenants and blessings of the temple, I reflected on my union with Garry and the nature of our eternal family. What a magnificent blessing it is to know that I will be with the love of my life forever and ever, and that my children will always be mine. What a sobering, sacred responsibility I have to live my life in accordance with God's will and to raise my children in righteousness.
I spent time in the temple prior to the sealing. During the endowment session, the Holy Ghost was almost palpable. It felt like a warm orb of light had settled into my heart. It grew throughout the session, and then again during the sealing. It continued all day Saturday and lingers today. My joy is full!
Here are some of the reasons.
I thoroughly enjoyed breakfast with my mother's parents and sisters and my cousin and her husband (my hosts!) on Saturday. Cousin Katie and I indulged in shopping and pedicures after we ate. I spent time at my grandparents' house and in their garden. I took home some of their home-grown tomatoes and cucumbers. I am sealed to these fabulous people, too.
Lauriann and I spent a short time over Jamba Juice smoothies before the wedding festivities began. I love that she is such a genuine friend, and that we can talk to each other about real life. I love that we met when Zach threw a book at her head in Sacrament Meeting eight years ago, and that she wanted to be friends anyway!
Seeing Melanie as the lovely, radiant mother of the bride was such a special experience. Being with her dear family on such a joyous occasion made me very happy.
Most of all, I am grateful for the opportunity to receive spiritual nourishment. During the time I was away from home, unencumbered by my normal life, I had time and energy to read, listen, pray, reflect, and serve. My testimony of temples grew. My gratitude for the Savior grew. My knowledge of the gospel grew. My joy for my life grew. Heavenly Father's plan of happiness is the greatest blessing in my life, and it sure makes me happy today.
Want to know more? If you haven't already, click the links (in red) above. Watch this video on why Mormons build temples. Take your questions to mormon.org, where you can learn about our values, faith, and doctrine. Or just leave me a comment and I'll be happy to respond!
It's amazing how much good can come form just 48 peaceful hours! I'm so glad you had a great time.
Wonderful, wonderful, Heidi! What a blessing this weekend was for you! Stephanie looks so lovely, she's glowing with joy. And so is Melanie. :)
Glad you had a grand time and had some renewal time for yourself. Happy day!
It was so wonderful that you would come! What a happy weekend. I'm still smiling!
Thanks, dear friend! :)
Glad you enjoyed it so much and on so many levels. Can't wait to see you.
What a wonderful break from "the world"! I bet you just feel so refreshed and glad/happy for the life you chose as well.
I think we all need to do this in our life... the getting away part and especially the temple part!
I can feel your warmth from just reading this entry, the Spirit must have been very strong!
That sounds like a wonderful time! I had to laugh at how you met Lauriann! I didn't know that - too funny!
Hi, Just wanted to say thanks for all of your comments on my new blog. I really appreciate it and I'm glad Melanie sent you over!
I didn't realize that you were at Stephanie's wedding. I would have loved to have said hi.
I wasn't able to make the sealing but was at the dinner. Next time right??
Thanks again,
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