David is cool because he's Devlin's Daddy. We were all thrilled when he came to visit in Beaverton when Gavin was born.

Myron is just as good as a brother, even though he's an in-law. He loves to entertain the boys when we are in Arizona. Just today he played ball with the kids in the park, ran around with Mr. Miagi (the dog), and made Zach and Ty a special-order lunch and cookies on the side.

Zachary and Tyler are thrilled that Eric is home from his mission. On Sunday we went to a special fireside Eric hosted about Mongolia. The boys were pretty good considering the meeting was an hour and a half long at the end of a church day. When we got home, Zachary said, "I sure learned a lot about Mongolia!" Zach is also learning that Eric, who works full-time and goes to MCC full-time, is not as available for playing as he used to be. That's why we felt so special when we got to share Eric's lunch break on Tuesday. Taco Bell has never been so cool. Eric even shared his nachos.

Uncle Ryan is still da bomb. He is also super busy with a full-time schedule and a part-time job at ASU, but he still found time this week to build the boys a car ramp, assemble a slot-car race track, play video games, and push the boys on the swings. He is also the preferred guy for bedtime songs and stories. We love Uncle Ryan!

Thanks, guys, for all the sweet memories this week! Love ya!
Love all four of these boys, indeed.
Thanks for coming over today! PS: My & I just finished off all the cookies...{woopsies.}
See ya for AI tonight...
hi my name is cori. angie's friend. i think you are a cutie. told her i would say hi. you live in oregon? i lived in seattle forever. now. i think you must be an interior designer because your home is absolutley beautiful. where do you shop? it looks like a model home. i like the red furniture. that is my fav. color. and i love the green color. thanks for letting me stop by.
Cori, jtlyk, we had a "staging artist" decorate our house to sell so it looked like a model home and not a real home. Did you notice I don't have a toaster on the counter in my kitchen? My closets are empty and I packed most of the boys' toys. Not practical AT ALL. So the house better sell fast! Are you Dane & Ashlee's mom?
Thanks for the blog. I sure wish I was home instead of here in CA.
nope, mackenzie, cannon, brinkley, keaton, and carters. maybe, there is another cori out there.
for reals. your home is so nice. and i would totally buy it from you. i really like the neatness, and is that your baby grand? cuz, i want that. where are you moving anyways? to az? do you scrapbook like your fun sista? you two look alike. so cute.
I am quite partial to all of these men also. Makes my heart happy to read your post.
Cori: My bad. How d'ya know Angie? She's my hero.
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