As I sat in Dairy Queen tonight with my family, I chuckled at how the evening had bee
n a series of "I'll never do that" activities. Back when I was childless or even when I only had one very mellow baby in diapers, I knew I'd never be the kind of mom who bribed her children with ice cream. I knew I'd never let the television become a babysitter. I'd never order pizza as a cop-out for dinner preparation. And I'd never let my kids leave the house with scraggly clothes and/or hair. Did I do one of those things tonight? Nope. I did them ALL. Maybe that makes me a bad mom/wife/homemaker, but I don't really care.

Back in the days of sleeping in, doing whatever I wanted on the weekends, and having a beautifully flat and wrinkle-free stomach, I was naive about more than the nuances of raising rowdy boys. I didn't understand the flip side, either. I never knew how a gummy grin could melt my heart, or how the words, "You're a professional mom" would make me feel like I'd won a gold medal. I never knew the joy that would come when my three-year-old asked me to tell him scripture stories or when he sang, "I Hope They Call Me on a Mission" at the top of his lungs on the way home from church. I know that years from now I'll definitely remember the rough grocery runs with three kids in tow, but I hope I also remember the sweet and happy moments, too. People often tell me to enjoy these early years with my kids -- that they are quickly gone, never to return. I find myself rolling my eyes at these comments because on most days I can't imagine parenting getting much harder than it is right now. At the same time, though, I know that those seasoned moms are probably right. In six more years I'll be older and wiser and dealing with issues of far greater importance than out-of-control roughhousing or wearing holey jeans to kindergarten. When I look back at this day will I smile because I miss this stage or because I'm so glad I don't have to go back? Probably a mixture of both.
Nice post, girlfriend. All I can say is enjoy the journey...because it really is a journey, not a destination. I'm proud of you.
I'm so excited that you are blogging girl...and ps: i'm addicted to commenting so watch out!
i loved this post. truth be told, it made me cry. chloe didn't wear shoes all day because i couldn't find them. and we went a lot of places. ha! life is really good.
Hang in there, Heidi. I think you're doing great!
I am a circus side-show wherever I go. I don't know if it's the four girls, the antics that inevitably ensue wherever we go, or my own stunning good looks and calm as chaos reigns around me. Yeah, right. But it no longer bothers me to be stared at. "That's right! I do have a bunch of small children! Yes, one is wearing polka-dots and stripes in clashing colors and one is screaming at top volume! Are you feeling lucky, punk?" But if I hear one more person tell me, "You have your hands full, don't you?" I might lose that calm demeanor and try out some rusty karate moves. Kyah!
Hooray for fellow moms in the trenches! I laughed out loud at your comment -- made my day, actually.
I used to think I was pretty good at being a grown-up. And then I had children, and they are a huge reality check about my own immaturities.
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