Miss Alexis is one month old. Can you believe it?
I'm struggling a bit....the last few weeks are sort of blurry in my mind.
But here were are at the one-month milestone.
At her check-up this morning, she weighed in at 8 pounds, 6 oz. and measured 21 1/4" long. There has been some concern that she wasn't gaining quickly enough, but today's measurements seem to indicate that she'll be a 50th percentile girl instead of the 95th percentile boys we are used to!
Following the tradition we established with Gavin, we commenced taking monthly growth photos today. Lexi is a petite little bird compared to her brother, but she sure is a cutie! I was thrilled to capture this half-smile....

...but truth be told, most of the photo session turned out like this.

There were moments like this, too...

...and a few like this, where Lexi was simply tolerating her mother's obsession.

She was a little more cooperative on Sunday.
Thanks to all of the generous benefactors who contributed to her church ensemble. You know who you are!

I'm struggling a bit....the last few weeks are sort of blurry in my mind.
But here were are at the one-month milestone.
At her check-up this morning, she weighed in at 8 pounds, 6 oz. and measured 21 1/4" long. There has been some concern that she wasn't gaining quickly enough, but today's measurements seem to indicate that she'll be a 50th percentile girl instead of the 95th percentile boys we are used to!
Following the tradition we established with Gavin, we commenced taking monthly growth photos today. Lexi is a petite little bird compared to her brother, but she sure is a cutie! I was thrilled to capture this half-smile....

...but truth be told, most of the photo session turned out like this.

There were moments like this, too...

...and a few like this, where Lexi was simply tolerating her mother's obsession.

She was a little more cooperative on Sunday.
Thanks to all of the generous benefactors who contributed to her church ensemble. You know who you are!

may i be the first to comment and say: HOLY. CUTE.
seriously. lexi, you make me smile.
such a sweet little dainty babe. i love her. {and her mom/family}
oh she is such a doll!!1
Okay, the stripes, the diamonds, the flowers and bows. All too cute! I could absolutely do another girl!
Lexi's a MONTH old already?? It's amazing how fast time goes.
I love her little smile and cute outfits. She definitely has a mom who loves her!
Wow, babies sure make the passage of time feel like it's in warp speed! What a cutie pie!
So. Cute. I love girls in green/blue/purple/orange/brown/anything but pink! (I like pink too, but the visual break is welcome).
And I have to say, I'm very partial to "dainty" babies myself. :) They get a lot of wear out of adorable 6-12 month clothes!
I think my favorite picture is the one of her screaming! It is really really cute! Although I am getting the muted version :)
What a precious doll! She's sooooooooooo cute!
She is STINKIN' CUTE!!! My 2 girls were both on the skinny side, while my 2 boys were both super chunky, so no worries.
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