I'm still hanging onto the habit of compiling lists of things to report on at the end of each week as though I was still publishing our Sunday newsletter. Since all these things are rattling around in my head, I might as well spit them out into cyberspace, right?
For starters, we had seven house showings this week. We continue to get excellent reviews on the house, but a few lookers this week thought the price was too high. And, of course, the yard is too small, which is why no one wants to give us an offer. (Maybe if we had a dumpy house on a small lot people would think the two went together...) Our agent thinks it's time to reduce the price.
Only one group came to our three-hour open house today. One. ONE!!!! I cannot adequately express my frustrations on this issue (it's kind of a don't-get-me-started subject). This process is such an emotional rollercoaster, not to mention so physically and mentally taxing. I've done plenty of venting and crying today. Now that my little tantrum has passed, I am trying to get a grip on my perspective. A year ago I was freaking out about not being pregnant and now my sweet Gavin melts my heart. Maybe something wonderful is around the corner.

Tyler said some memorable things this week:
- [While listening to an arrangement of The Spirit of God, an LDS hymn]: "Is God's spirit really burning? Is He on fire?"
- [After being charged with choosing a dinner vegetable]: "Can we have something with this wonderful, delicious thing (a cucumber)?"
- [Noting Gavin's out-of-control hair]: "Gavin has a chicken feather!" (He meant a 'rooster tail.")
- [At the dinner table]: "Please pass the Ernie chicken." (He meant Sesame chicken.)

Another random Tyler tidbit: He has not asked about going back to preschool one time since we pulled him out. Not once! I'm not sure how I should feel about that.
For one of his homework assignments, Zachary had to make a card and give it to someone. I was delighted to be the recipient. Given my difficult week and

Garry has been super sick for four days. He came home from work early Wednesday with a fever, chills, and a terrible cough. He had to sit in the car for an hour because the house was being shown, but he was so cold that he turned the heater on full blast (it was beautifully warm and sunny outside!). At 6:00 he went straight to bed and basically didn't come out until late Friday afternoon. Poor guy. He's doing better, but only with DayQuil in his system.
We debuted a new parenting/discipline strategy in our house this week. Someone recommended "1-2-3 Magic" and, in our desperation, we opted to try it. I'm happy to have a new way to deal with recurring issues, and so far life is a little smoother. Let's hope the pattern holds.
I am happy to read your blog so I can keep up on your life. It was fun to see your little guy in person today. Hang in there. I'm sure something great must be around the corner.
Oh my gosh, we had more than one open house at which not a SOUL was in attendance. Delightful. It's frustrating to hear the same criticism over and over, especially when it's something over which you have no control! Sheesh, people just want everything now in a house.
I hope something wonderful is right around the corner. Hang in there!
Hello from the Willeys! I got your blog address off of the Reynolds blog. I am so happy to see you guys are doing good. It has been a long time since BYU. It looks like your in Oregon, and hoping to move to Colorado Springs. We are in Dallas, and probebly will be for a long time. Love the pictures of your boys! Check out our blog willeyfam.blogspot.com and you can see our 3 girls!(it's funny how they come in 3s).
Love Katy
I'm so sorry you've been sick. I've had several kids with the flu in my classroom. They are out for several days to a week. I sure hope the others don't get it. I wish I could be there to make you some homemade chicken noodle soup. I hope you'll be back on your feet soon. Love you,
I love the heart in the sock drawer & hilarious quotes o' TY...and Gavin, I just can't get enough of that kid.
Feel better soon Garry! And, good luck with house endeavors. Love you guys!
totally stressful. I don't envy your situation, but I am sure that everything will work out and you will be where you want to be.
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