Like most husbands, Garry has an omni-present, ever-evolving honey-do list. We joke that I'm his shift manager on the weekends (it's probably more true than not, but I try to give him a break once in a while). This week he deserves a shout-out for the big dent he made in his list.
- Fix the desk hutch Zach broke by climbing on it {check}
- Winterize the sprinklers {check}
- Mow the lawn {check}
- Suck up all the leaves in our yard and the neighbor's {check}
- Bring in the dining set we can't seem to sell {check}
- Organize the garage so it can fit both cars {check}
- Make progress on the flagstone patio {check}
- Woo out-of-town higher-ups at work {check}
- Take three kids to church alone so I can barf in peace {check}
Here's some proof of Garry's awesome work:
Yes, that would be five giant bags of leaves and grass from our yard.

A two-car garage!!!! We haven't had one for years. Just in time for the snow.

And the "someday" patio. This will be its status for the winter.
Love ya honey. Thanks for your hard work!